Fellow Colts
As of February 01, 2025, we have 382 classmates from the list below that we are missing and have no contact information on. If you know anyone on this list, please ask them to go to the "Classmates" page on this website and register so that we can keep them updated on future reunions and events.
As of 02/01/2025
382 missing + 203 registered + 83 deceased = 668 total classmates
This list was created from the yearbook, so if your picture wasn't in the book, and you don't see your name here, and you have not registered at 74ahs.com/registration, please go there and register.
Thank you!
Abbot, Mike | Garrett, Paula | Newton, Lonnie |
Acker, Andrea | Gideon, Frank | Norris, Valori |
Agnew, Don | Giorgio, Robert | Nowell, Nancy |
Alcantar, Elizabeth | Girardot, Laura | Nowlin, Kerrie |
Allen, Mark | Goerdel, Connie | Nunn, Kathi |
Allison, Kathy | Graham, Karen | O'Brien, Mike |
Anderson, Lee | Greytak, Beatrice | Oleksyn, Jan |
Arnold, Doug | Grimes, Mitch | Orr, Grady |
Arnold, Mary | Gross, Ben | Parker, Brenda |
Atkins, Caryl | Grounds, Scott | Parsons, Claire |
Austen, Sharon | Guill, Donna | Patridge, Julia |
Babes, Rachel | Haliburton, Jana | Payne, Mike |
Bain, Sherese | Hall, Ginger | Persons, Jim |
Baker, Bob | Hall, Karen | Petersen, Jon |
Baker, Rex | Hardson, Preston | Phillips, Bruce |
Baker, Ricky | Harris, Mike | Phillips, Janelle |
Bannan, Janet | Harrison, Mike | Phillips, Phil |
Barber, Raplph | Heal, Jodi | Pierard, Dana |
Barnes, Cindy | Hiatt, Lewis | Pierce, Melanie |
Barnes, James | Hickman, Alan | Piggot, Mary |
Barnes, Roy | Hiebert, Rhoda | Pratt, Stuart |
Barney, Jana | Higgins, Jerry | Provost, Laurie |
Barron, Dortha | Hillan, Jim | Purser, Rickey |
Barthuly, Pat | Hiser, Elaine | Pustejovsky, Sharon |
Barton, Mike | Hoernke, Ronnie | Rao, Ramesh |
Baughn, Debbie | Hogge, Michele | Rau, Randy |
Beene, Kelly | Hogue, Mary | Reamy, John |
Bellamy, Terry | Hollingsworth, Ruth | Rhoads, Darrell |
Belmont, Brian | Horn, Joe | Richards, Debbie |
Bennett, Louis | Horn, Russell | Roberts, Anita |
Benson, Susan | Hoskey, Marsha | Robinson, Susan |
Best, Cathy | Houk, Bob | Roden, Debbie |
Binkley, Steven | Houston, Phil | Rogstad, Dianne |
Birdwell, Paul | Hudson, Lynn | Roth, Pete |
Black, Holly | Hulme, Helen | Rule, Tracey |
Blackmon, Mark | Hulsey, Belinda | Runnels, Cindy |
Blakney, Bob | Hurd, Eileen | Rutschmann, Paul |
Bland, Theresa | Hutton, Aimee | Schmidt, Knuth |
Bomberger, John | Ihrig, Steve | Schneider, Kathy |
Bordeaux, Jeff | Ingram, Larry | Schroeder, Duane |
Borden, Randy | Jeannet, Deborah | Schultz, Cindy |
Bosillo, Debbie | Jennings, Bill | Schwartz, Randy |
Boss, Cristi | Johnson, Eric | Scott, Nancy |
Bowen, Ronnie | Johnson, Howie | Sellers, Glen |
Bowie, Glen | Johnson, Paul | Sevick, Gloria |
Boyd, Rand | Johnson, Roxanna | Shaw, Ronnie |
Bracken, Jeff | Johnson, Susanne | Siegele, Bob |
Bridges, Robert | Joiner, Karen | Sienko, Peggy |
Brock, Brenda | Jonaitis, Lynn | Sims, Bobby |
Brown, Becky | Jones, Brian | Sloan, Sharon |
Brown, Laveta | Jones, Jeff | Smith, Arthur |
Brown, Steve | Jones, Karen | Smith, Stewart |
Buchanan, Kenneth | Jones, Steve | Smura, Bernard |
Buck, Marsha | Jordin, Julie | Spence, Terri |
Bulls, Ray | Kaska, Karen | Spinks, Patti |
Burgland, Rene | Keller, Martha | Springer, Gregg |
Burke, Alice | Kelley, Jean Ann | Stallworth, Mike |
Burke, Bob | Kelly, Laura | Standley, Joe |
Byers, Mitch | Kelsch, Jannie | Stanovsky, Clint |
Byman, Cheryl | Kerbel, Paula | Stephen, Mark |
Carey, Lori | Kidd, Kathy | Stewart, Gloria |
Cariaga, Nora | King, Terry | Still, Amy |
Carlson, Merideth | Kinkade, David | Strange, Randy |
Carpenter, Keith | Kitts, John | Stuteville, Joyce |
Carter, Don | Lackey, Jo | Swaim, Mark |
Carter, Ted | Lacy, James | Taylor, Alan |
Casey, Britt | Ladd, Nancy | Taylor, Charles |
Casey, Dan | Land, Cecilia | Taylor, Susan |
Cash, Paul | Land, Sandra | Terrell, Sam |
Cathro, Alex | Laney, Mike | Terry, Bryce |
Chandler, Lisa | Lauer, Andy | Theisen, Mike |
Chapman, Bobby | Law, Charles | Thomas, Steve |
Chigas, Cindy | Le Fan, Mary | Thomas, Vicki |
Childers, Kim | Leake, Charles | Tice, Dale |
Childs, Pat | Leighton, Pattee | Tierce, Anita |
Clifton, Hughie | Levins, John | Tingle, Melanie |
Coffman, Gregg | Liberton, Debbie | Trammell, Cindy |
Collart, Robin | Linch, Paula | Trammell, Gary |
Collins, Tommy | Lindley, Steve | Trull, Tom |
Conley, Roger | Lotven, Laurie | Truver, Mike |
Contway, Patti | Loynachan, Brenda | Tucker, Paula |
Cooper, India | Luman, Cherry | Turner, Debbie |
Corn, Mike | Lyle, Rickey | Turner, Leslie |
Countess, Beth | Lynch, Tim | Underwood, Lisa |
Cowell, Lanae | MacCammond, Cheryl | Varnum, Priscilla |
Craddock, Martha | Mackey, Kathy | Vasterliing, Eric |
Crawford, James | MacKinnon, Nancy | Vaughn, Mada |
Crawford, Marty | MacLachian, Sherrie | Vinson, Rick |
Crayne, Mark | Malone, Tim | Voebel, Cheryl |
Crestsinger, David | Mancuso, Joe | Von Bose, Jared |
Curfman , Steve | Marshall, Joan | Von Thun, Debbie |
Davidson, Barton | Martin, Debbi | Wagner, Anna |
Davidson, Karen | Martin, Julie | Waldrup, Kim |
Davidson, Rodger | Martin, Layni | Walker, Kenneth |
Davidson, Terry | Matthews, Bryan | Walker, Randy |
Davis, Belinda | McBride, Gray | Ward, Bob |
Davis, Julie | McDade, Steve | Ware, Julie |
Dawson, Mike | McDowell, Steve | Warren, Bobbie |
Day, Debbie | McElroy, Mike | Wathall, Cheryl |
De Vito, Julie | McGee, Kathy | Watson, Anna |
Depweg, Nannette | McGreer, Carol | Watts, Steve |
Devereaux, Linda | McKenna, Scott | Weaver, Paul |
Devos, Steven | McKibbon, Rhonda | Webb, Barbara |
Dillhoff, Gregg | McKnight, Stan | Webb, Cyndi |
Dominques, Debbie | McLaughlin, Lisa | Welch, Ronnie |
Dossey, Jeanne | McLeland, John | Wells, Jim |
Drozd, Debbie | McManis, Kim | White, Frank |
Dunn, Charles | McMaster, Norman | White, Gerry |
Dupre, Elisa | McNabb, David | White, Jacquelyn |
Echeverria, James | Mecaskey, Cheryl | White, Jesse |
Eckert, Fred | Medford, Sarah | Wickstrom, Bob |
Eichhorn, Vera | Mena, Sonya | Williams, Kenneth |
Eidson, Jeff | Mercer, Patti | Williams, Mike |
Einhaus, Nancy | Metz, Pamela | Williamson, Tim |
Ellett, Sharon | Mills, Steve | Wilson, Roxanne |
Engle, Kathy | Mitchell, Linda | Winett, Gary |
Erb, Robert | Moore, David Warren | Wolfskill, Sarah |
Ewing, Pam | Moore, Joe | Wolters, Steve |
Farrar, Fred | Morehart, Teri | Wood, Mark |
Fatzinger, Scott | Morey, Craig | Wooley, Rhonda |
Felder, John | Morris, Dennis | Wooten, Chad |
Fields, Stephen | Morton, Ron | Wright, Jim |
Fine, Denise | Motley, Linida | Wright, Terry |
Fisher, Dale | Musselman, Glenn | Wyatt, Cathi |
Foster, Roy | Nation, David | Yingling, Joe |
Frank, Sherry | Nation, Mark | Young, Doug |
French, Danny | Neaves, Michelle | |
Garner, Sharon | Neu, David |